When Life Begins

I find myself asking this question from time to time. Does it really begin at 40? 50? Or earlier at 30? When does it truly begin? Life always waits for some crisis to occur before revealing itself at its most brilliant. Paul Coelho (Eleven Minutes) Probably this question is very personal. Some of us will…Continue reading When Life Begins


If you believe the pundits out there, they have started attributing self-care entirely to Millennials as if they are the only age group that needs one. Eye roll. 🙄 I’d say it’s a must for all of us. Trouble is, we have forgotten to incorporate the practice in our busy daily lives. Most of us…Continue reading Self-Care

What Matters Most?

Being a Gen Xer is not easy. It’s like being in a cusp, stuck between the Baby Boomers associated with privilege and consumerism and the materialist but liberal Millennials. I supposedly belong to a ‘Forgotten Generation’. Go figure. These labels are non-sensical. Probably coined by some marketing consultant trying to pigeon-hole a segment of the…Continue reading What Matters Most?

Hola! Bonjour! Welcome!

Fits and starts. Start and stop. My blogging attempts, that is. I had started one at Google+ a few years back. I even signed up for an online tutorial with links to bloggers for future input to no avail. Bandwidth aka time and a full time job were my enemies. Now I’m trying again. What…Continue reading Hola! Bonjour! Welcome!