Life In The Time of Corona aka CoVid19: Day 11

I was awakened by my new alarm clock – my Princess Tara – who for some reason has started a new habit. Precisely at 7:00 am she comes to the bedroom and starts making noises, nonstop until I open my eyes. I mistake them for her being hungry so for the last couple days, I would stumble out of bed to go and open a can of their wet food only to see that hers and Isis’ plates are still half full. Ugh! Trickster!

Somehow today I was reasonably well rested. Meditate, stretch, 6-minute HIIT, prepared breakfast for K and myself, showered, changed and then with a cup of freshly-brewed coffee, I’m off to work. One thing great about this shelter-in-place new normal is that I don’t have a lot of commute. Only a few steps. Plus I don’t have to wear make up. Yes! Honestly, I think my skin is loving the au naturel look. Even my face, like Mother Nature, is taking a chemical break.

Source: Popculture

Before I even opened my computer, a news flash came in. Oh my, more than 3 million fellow Americans filed for unemployment claims last week. It’s hard to imagine the despair most of these people are feeling at this very moment.

Source: New York Times

On purpose, I have avoided watching the news because I’d like to remain in denial a little bit longer. Feeling empathetic and guilty at the same time, however, I decided to sign up as a volunteer in one of my county’s food bank. I am heartened to note that most of the slots were already full – means folks like me have been signing up – and the first available schedule I could get is April 17! I love my community. Also, since I’m one of the lucky ones to still have a job, I donated a small amount of cash to one of my favorite foundations in the Bay Area – The Glide Foundation ( whose been providing social service and spiritual support to those in need in San Francisco for more than 50 years. Every little bit of charity counts. If you’re reading this and have the means, please do something to help. No matter how small.

I’ve also heard from friends in South America – Ecuador, Colombia and Argentina. The outlook is as grim over there, if not worst. The negative economic impact of this viral enemy is going to be massive around the globe. China is now closing its borders to foreign nationals. They’re afraid, and rightly so, that a new wave of infection from non-locals will come into their country and will deal with the virus again. The City of New Orleans and its residents, who are just beginning to breathe a sigh from Hurricane Katrina are worried to relive more moments of anxiety and despair.

Grim news all over.
Source: The Guardian

Too much for one day. Enough of grim news.

I decided to tune out and focus more on work-related issues. During times of crisis, the food industry which I belong, has always played a major role in ensuring people get fed no matter the circumstance. I’m blessed to be a part of this low-tech industry. We remain the steady engine of growth and employment. Naturally, I’ve been very busy despite the circumstances. Folks still need to eat. For this, I feel I’m doing something to contribute for the greater good. Particularly now that I’m in the fruit and vegetable sector.

Before I knew it, I’ve been staring at my computers and cellphones far too long. The day is almost over and I haven’t walked outside. TIme to pause and get some fresh air. Time to rest the eyes and the mind for a few minutes.

Funny how one gets busy and forget the simple things in life. The moment I stepped into our backyard, my mood changed immediately. Fresh air does wonders to ones mental disposition. I started noticing the budding flowers from our cherry trees. The Spring breeze brought the sound of the chimes, relaxing me even more. Then my favorite wild turkeys came by noisily strutting along our street with one venturing into our driveway. I’m happy again.

Appreciating the little things in life

Time to make dinner. Tonight is butternut squash soup and warm vegan pasta night.

Vegan Pasta & Butternut Squash Soup
Pasta recipe courtesy of @vegan_enginee

Bon appetit!

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